DAV Public School, Nigahi

Singrauli (M.P.) - 486884

Principals Message  


Shri Rajendra Prasad Mishra


School is the holiest shrine of alma-mater where the nation builders (teachers) imbibe and inculcate the moral, ethical, intellectual, academic and global positive values among the students. The school always follows the principle, ‘Education is mission, not occupation.’ Truly, the students of the D.A.V., N.C.L Nigahi, Singrauli, get full -fledged educational facilities to advance their career in every walk of life. The school is fully equipped with all modern facilities to update the learners sharp mind. Its teaching and non - teaching staff is fully and sincerely devoted to the genuine mission for enhancing the scope of education. Regular seminars, symposiums and workshops always introduce the teachers with modern trends and techniques of latest educational infrastructure so that they can impart better than the best wisdom to the taught. Moreover, we all try our every nerve to serve the nation excellently through this strong chain of education to please Mother India. Our school students always set the incomparable milestones everywhere in the spheres of co-curricular activities. We also stress upon the fulfillment of patriotism, civic sense and moral duties combined with all human merits among our students. The four houses of the school motivate them to compete with one another to excel in all walks of life. Lastly, I extend my good wishes to the school guardians, teachers and students.


‘Expanding like the petals of young flowers,
I watch the gentle opening of your minds.
And the sweet loosening of the spell that binds,
Your intellectual energies and powers.
That stretch like young birds in soft summer hours,
Their wings to try their strength,
O! how the winds of circumstances and freshening April showers,
of early knowledge and unnumbered kinds of new perceptions shed their influence,
And how you worship truth’s omnipotence!
What joyance rains upon me when I see
Fame in the mirror of futurity,
Weaving the chaplets you have yet to gain,
Ah! then I feeI have not lived in vain.



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DAV Public School, Nigahi
Nigahi Project, P/O - Nigahi
District - Singrauli (M.P.)
Pin Code - 486884
Phone: 07805292315
Email: dav.nigahi@gmail.com
Website: www.davpsnigahi.org

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